

¥4,400 税込


佐藤 圭司 Keiji Sato 写真集

サイズ :W270mm x H225mm
ページ数 :102P
編集・制作・デザイン :Kiezine
印刷・製本 :株式会社イニュニック

【 黒 砂 】
 「黒砂」駅のすぐ近くには実家があり、両親が住んでいた。その両親も高齢になり自身での生活が困難なため、数年前の夏に施設へ入った。僕は玄関先で2人のポートレートを撮り、2人を車に乗せた。「実家」は「実家があった場所」に変わった。 その後母は鬼籍に入り、その翌年父は100歳になった。

【 Kurosuna -Black Sand- 】
 I spent most of my childhood at a town near the coast. My home was located near a local private railway station that was renamed five times over the years. The station still exists today. The historical first name of the station was Hamakaigan (“seaside shore”), the second was Teidai Kogakubumae (“in front of the Imperial University Faculty of Engineering”), the third was Kogakubumae (“in front of the Faculty of Engineering”), and the name when I was a kid was Kurosuna (“black sand”). Now it's on its fifth name.
 As you can imagine from the first name of the station, "seaside shore", the town was very close to the ocean. It took only three or four minutes to walk from my house to the beach.
 When I got down to the beach and dug in the sand, I could immediately fill a bucket with asari clams. We would shell the clams and use them as food for the cats. We scattered the seashells in the garden and the chickens would peck at them. We would eat rice covered by eggs laid by those chickens as a meal.
 Times have changed, and the coast has now been reclaimed. The sea is now quite far away. The sea, which had been a part of people's daily lives, disappeared in both name and reality, and the name "Kurosuna" was changed to be consistent with the station’s use in the nearby town.
 In my mind, "Kurosuna" was not just the name of a station but existed as an iconic symbol of my childhood. My little adventures began at Kurosuna, and when I returned home, I would visit Kurosuna. Everything I saw and heard as a child was connected to Kurosuna.
 My parents used to live near Kurosuna station, but they ultimately moved into a facility because they were too old to live on their own. My "parents' house" became "the place where my parents used to live". My mother then passed away, and the following year my father turned 100 years old.
 The little adventures of my childhood have now turned into trips by me as an adult carrying a mirrorless camera. I still have flashbacks of Kurosuna, though, when I visit some beach. Although clearly not Kurosuna, memories of my childhood fill me with a sense of nostalgia. To me, a “journey to Kurosuna” may actually be an unexpected journey through space and time.

佐藤 圭司 Keiji Sato
千葉県出身。写真家。夜の写真学校 第4期修了。
RED Photo Gallery の設立、運営に参加。メンバー。
HP: https://kbox.jp

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